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Since 2004, you can find in the center of Lille the first pagan shop in the North of France.

Within its walls, you'll find jewelry, minerals, incense, books, plants, tarot decks, pendulums and various esoteric accessories.

Mix between resale and pure craftmanship, we offer the maximum of esoteric items turned in priority towards the old traditions called Pagan, Nordic, Scandinavian, Wiccan (neo-pagan movement), or even old traditions called "countryside magic".

We're heading our advide policies in priority towards wealthness and personnal development.

Our staff will always be there to guide you, we obviously need you to be patient if the shop is crowded.

Do not hesitate to read the blog in order to answer your first questions. 

Elvishly yours, Cécile

Recognized as a craftwoman in jewelry by the Chamber of Trades, one of my specialties is to carve minerals.


I also craft all kinds of materials such as wood, leather, metal, or other, to offer you the maximum of original objects or jewelry.


I also propose in Le Bois the repair of "fantasy" jewelry, to give a second life to it.

My Craft

My name is Cécile.

I am the founder and manager of "Le Bois des Eldars".

This chiidhood dream came true in Lille, in 2004 August the 11th 


Self-taught in the esoteric and artisanal field, dispite my references and scientific skills, i've been in these circles for 30 years?

True passionate about the Scandinavian and Celtic worlds, in love with the craft industry and thirsty for knowledge, I am in constant learning in my creative techniques with an eternal questioning of the acquired.

Who am I ?

Art and Craft, old traditions, minerals... My passions.

Mes compétences en ésotérisme

I studied many fields, as well esoteric, scientific or psychological.

Diplômée du milieu scientifique spécialité biologie et géologie et pratiquant la lithothérapie depuis 24ans, je suis en pleine écriture de mes premiers livres (minéraux, Futhark, traditions anciennes...), appuyés d'argumentations scientifiques. Comme ces derniers sont long à écrire, je vous invite à consulter les articles que je rédige sur ce site (blog) afin de palier à cette attente.

I've had the chance to meet members of the G.N.O.M.A (National Group for the Organization of Alternative Medicines) but also des parapsychologues confirmés avec travaux de l'académie des sciences, et encore scientifiques, professeurs, docteurs, chercheurs ...

Je fus soutenue, conseillée et enseignée par des Druides reconnus, de rencontrer des médiums professionnels et amateurs.

Depuis Juillet 2017, je suis devenue consultante officielle du Haut de France de l'IMI (Institut Métapsychique Internationale).

Boutique d'artisanat 
spécialisée en occultisme,  sorcellerie, ésotérisme et minéraux depuis 2004

Mentions légales

SARL ELDAR LILLE, au capital social de 10000€

Siret : 45406637400033

immatriculée en 2004 est hébergé par

Wix LTD : SA

Boîte postale n°40190, San Francisco, CA 94140, ETATS-UNIS


© 2018 by ​Au Bois des Eldars created with

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